At only 30 years old, Dr. Nadine Macaluso decided to end her abusive marriage with the infamous Jordan Belfort, who is better known as The Wolf of Wall Street. After leaving Belfort, Dr. Macaluso moved to California and eventually received a PhD in Counseling and Somatic Psychology.
Since leaving The Wolf of Wall Street, Dr. Nadine has pursued a career in psychotherapy, and her debut book, Run Like Hell: A Therapist’s Guide to Recognizing, Escaping, and Healing from Trauma Bonds, will be released on January 9th, 2024.
In the Q&A below, Dr. Nadine tells Spotlight everything from her decision to leave Jordan Belfort, Run Like Hell, and her career.
At 30 years old, you left your abusive relationship with Jordan Belfort and returned to school, earning a PhD in Counseling and Somatic Psychology. Why did you choose to pursue a career in psychotherapy?
When I married Jordan Belfort at twenty-three, I realized he and our lavish lifestyle were more than I could handle, so I needed support. It was then that I entered therapy. Later, at age thirty-nine, I chose to pursue a career in psychotherapy. I knew therapy had saved my life, and I wanted to help others with their relationship and mental health challenges.
What has been the most challenging part of becoming a psychotherapist? Why?
One of the most challenging parts of becoming a therapist is perseverance to stay committed in school with all the reading and paper writing. Then, I had to do three thousand clinical hours to become a licensed therapist. Also, realizing that I cannot help everyone is emotionally disheartening. That can be a harsh reality for someone like me with excessive empathy.
What is the most essential part of your job? Why?
What has been the most rewarding experience in your career thus far? Tell us about it.
The most rewarding part of my career is helping women leave their trauma bonds and thrive. That is why I call the women surthrivers. Also, my Instagram and TikTok accounts reach women worldwide. Daily, I get messages from them telling me how much my posts have validated their experiences and even inspired them to leave their narcissistic abusers.
Your debut book, Run Like Hell: A Therapist’s Guide to Recognizing, Escaping, and Healing from Trauma Bonds, is set for release on January 9th, 2024. What was your experience writing this book? Did you find it challenging?
What type of impact are you hoping to make with Run Like Hell?
In a trauma bond, the narcissistic partner makes the woman feel like she is crazy. Like she is making up the abuse. Therefore, I want women everywhere to become educated and understand the red flags and manipulative tactics narcissistic partners use to trap them in trauma bonds. Then, give them a road map for leaving a trauma bond safely. Education empowers women to recognize, escape, and heal from trauma bonds.
Do you recall a specific moment when you felt truly liberated? Tell us about it.
On challenging days, what motivates you to continue helping women who have experienced the same type of abuse you have?
What motivates me, even on hard days, to help women who have experienced abuse is to understand the ripple effect that eradicating trauma bonds has on society. Trauma bonds affect children, and children are genuinely helpless and vulnerable to selfish adults. And when the women are feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. I tell them they are healing women and families everywhere by healing themselves.
What was the most important piece of advice you’ve ever received? Why?
The most important piece of advice I have ever received is from my current husband when I first met him. I was feeling emotionally overwhelmed and hopeless, and he said to me, “Don’t worry. Cream rises to the top.” Those encouraging words always help me when dealing with life’s inevitable challenges.
If you can relate to Dr. Nadine’s story, we recommend allowing her words to help with your healing. Dr. Nadine Macaluso’s debut book Run Like Hell will be available for purchase on January 9th, 2024!