Founder and CEO of Zibby Media, host of the “Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books” podcast, and author Zibby Owens released her brand new novel Blank on March 1st, 2024. The novel follows Pippa Jones, a mother, author, and wife living in Los Angeles, California.
Spotlight sat down with Zibby Ownes to hear all about her writing process, inspiration, and the challenges she faced while writing Blank.
You are no stranger to writing; you’ve written countless articles, essays, columns, and two other books. What separates Blank apart from the rest?
Blank is my first full-length novel—that actually got published *laughs*. I was able to just be creative, get immersed in the writing, and produce a true work of fiction. I loved doing it.
What were the biggest challenges you faced writing Blank? How did you overcome them?
I wrote the first 30,000 words and thought I was done. My editor didn’t think so! Then I went back and had to add in some major subplots. The other giant challenge was a lack of time. But I ended up fitting it in somehow.
What has been the most rewarding part about writing Blank? Why?
Honestly, it’s hearing that people are loving it! A giant: PHEW. Also seeing my name on a novel after so many years of writing and dreaming of it. It came true!
You have written a memoir, Bookends, and a children’s book titled Princess Charming. What was the process of writing your first novel like?
It wasn’t the first one I wrote. I’ve written several other novels over the years. But this one was a bit different because I sold it on proposal to my editor Carmen Johnson who bought the idea before Bookends came out. We were able to collaborate and brainstorm and I could send her sections to read over as I went. The other times, I wrote by myself and when it didn’t sell, oh well!
You’re also the host of the award-winning podcast “Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books,” the Founder/CEO of Zibby Media, and Qwner of Zibby’s Bookshop in Santa Monica. How were you able to balance running Zibby Media, hosting your podcast, and running your bookshop whilst writing Blank?
It was tough. I actually took off three full days (a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) to get it in by the deadline. I didn’t even allow myself to check Instagram. I need big chunks of time like quiet plane flights or a trip to a hotel or something where no one bothers me… which rarely happens.
The main character in Blank, Pippa Jones, is a mother, author, and wife living in Los Angeles. Where did you draw inspiration for this character? Do you resonate with Pippa?
I’m also a mother, author and wife living part-time in Los Angeles so it wasn’t too much of a stretch. Parts of her thoughts and feelings I can relate to, of course.
Being that you’re a book-lover yourself, you know that novels can stir up a plethora of emotions for readers. What do you want your readers to feel while delving into Blank?
I want them to feel like they’re inside the publishing world, like they’re more knowledgeable consumers of books as products so they can make independent choices about what to read versus accepting what’s being fed to them. I want them to feel happy and inspired!
Now that you’ve tackled writing your first novel, can we expect more from you in the future? Why or why not?
Of course! I’m trying to finalize my next novel idea for Carmen now. She’d like me to write a new novel every 18 months. Now it’s just about finding the time!
*All images courtesy of Zibby Owens.