Hamptons-based artist Lindsay Bardwil celebrated the launch of her new solo show titled “Metamorphic” on September 30th, 2023. The reception was held at the Lucore Art Gallery in Montauk, NY, where the exhibition will remain open until October 10th.
“Metamorphic” is an “ode to the profound transformations we undergo in both our personal journeys and as stewards of the natural world,” Bardwil says. This exhibition reflects a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.
With sustainability being at the forefront of conversations in fashion and politics, Bardwil invites us into a world where ecological responsibilities are taken seriously.
Bardwil’s inspiration for this exhibit was “sparked by an exploration into metaphysical studies,” she says.
The exhibition’s color palette heavily consists of earthy tones such as tan, brown, and blue.
Using materials such as sand, stones, and shells found on the beaches of Montauk, Bardwil plays with texture in “Metamorphic.” Her use of texture in this body of work pays homage to “nature’s raw beauty” and Bardwil’s own “spiritual evolution,” she reveals.
While creating “Metamorphic” Lindsay Bardwil says that she was “exclusively accompanied by the timeless compositions of classical music.” Listening to classical music while creating this body of work helped Bardwil “orchestrate a visual journey that invites viewers to contemplate the profound dance of dualities, the interplay of human existence and the natural world.”
There are hints of classical music spread throughout this exhibition. Like the cadence of a song, Bardwil’s strokes are purposeful, profound, and take on a journey.
“Metamorphic” takes the viewer on a journey from a world that’s been overrun by toxic, synthetic materials to one that appreciates the natural ones the earth has given to us. Once we learn to exist simultaneously with nature, we can truly undergo metamorphosis.
You can check out this beautiful, thought-provoking exhibition at the Lucore Art Gallery in Montauk until October 10th, 2023. This is the perfect chilly-weather activity—and we promise you won’t want to miss it.